Investors Relations
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Material Fact


DESKTOP S.A. (“Company”), in compliance with article 157, paragraph 4, of Law No. 6,404, dated December 15, 1976, the provisions of the Resolution of the Securities Commission (“CVM”) No. 44, dated August 23, 2021, and considering the Official Letter No. 134/2024/CVM/SEP/GEA-2 (“Official Letter”) that requested the Company to confirm or deny certain information, informs the following.

The Company reiterates that, at this time, there is no definition of any terms and conditions for any potential transaction with any counterparts.

As already disclosed in the Notice to the Market dated August 25, 2023, the Company, together with its advisors, analyzes opportunities to maximize the return to its shareholders.

In this context, we confirm that the Company has been analyzing a potential transaction with Telefônica Brasil S.A. (“Vivo”), nevertheless, at this time, there is no agreement in relation to price, structure or other terms and condition.

It is worth noting that, in accordance with applicable regulations and best market practices, the Company only discloses to its shareholders and the market in general concrete and true information, precisely with the aim of (i) providing the investing public with facts that support the decision to invest or divest in securities issued by the Company; (ii) not generate false expectations in the market or facts of speculative origin, which in turn may not materialize; and (iii) avoid any unnecessary and speculative impact that could affect the Company.

If the Company’s management decides on any material transaction, it will be duly disclosed to the market and submitted to the relevant corporate approvals. The Company reiterates its commitment to, in accordance with applicable legislation and regulations, keeping its shareholders and the market duly informed and remains available to provide any additional clarifications that may be necessary.

To access the full document, click here.

Sumaré, May 29, 2024.

Bruno Silva Carvalho de Souza Leão
Chief Financial, M&A and Investor Relations Officer